'25 K2 Power Aluminum Ski Poles - Al's Ski Equipment Barn
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'25 K2 Power Aluminum Ski Poles
'18 K2 Power Alu Ski Poles
'25 K2 Power Aluminum Ski Poles
Retail Price: $60.00
Our Price: $54.95
Save 8%
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Do you really need to buy an expensive ski pole? Hmmm? You decide, the 2025 K2 Power Alu Ski pole works and costs less than all of the other 6061 Aluminum Ski Poles out there. Remember, it's just a ski pole, your money is probably better spent on other things like fuel, food & spirits. Priorities people!

Save some coin without sacrificing proper pole plants. You might have just used "whatever is lying around" in the past, but that ain't cutting it now. Scoop the Power Aluminum and push off into the unknown.

Comes in Pairs
Comes with Baskets 60mm
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